APPSA strive to represent all affiliated peri-operative practitioners and their affiliated organisations in South Africa. APPSA works towards improving the quality of peri-operative care for all the people of South Africa. The Association strives to empower all its members to deliver quality care and promote safe surgery at all times. APPSA functions under a policy of complete non-discrimination and is impartial to nationality, race, political and religious beliefs. Membership is voluntary and nondiscriminatory.
Wishing you all the best during these difficult times. Be safe.
The Association for Peri-Operative Practitioners in South Africa (APPSA) will enhance and promote professionalism in peri-operative care. We will dedicate our service to the improvement of evidence-based best practice standards, to safe surgery, a holistic approach to care, and to the optimal sharing of knowledge.
The objectives of the Association are to:
- Promote and improve the care and service given to the patient by peri-operative practitioners
- Encourage the exchange of both technical and professional information between members
- Co-operate with other professional organisations having similar or sympathetic aims
- Further the positive and corporate life of the Association
- Strive towards progress for peri-operative practitioners in the areas of education and the appropriate, standardised national health service delivery system
- Represent peri-operative practitioners at local, provincial, national and international levels
The Vision
APPSA’s vision is to promote quality in peri-operative care and a holistic approach to safe surgery, to represent and be the voice of peri-operative practitioners in South Africa.
APPSA is based on the values of:
- Integrity
- Commitment
- Respect
- Co-operation and support
- Transparency
- Equity
- Honesty
- Loyalty
Ordinary membership is open to all peri-operative practitioners registered with the South African Nursing Council (SANC).
APPSA membership can be in any 1 of the following 3 categories; namely ordinary membership, honorary membership and associate membership.
Ordinary Membership
Application for ordinary membership shall be in writing and signed by the applicant who shall be registered or enrolled with the South African Nursing Council (SANC). Members shall be actively engaged in nursing duties in operating theatres or working in the CSSD. In order for an ordinary member to be considered for a position on a Chapter Board or the Executive Board, the ordinary member must be registered with SANC as a peri-operative practitioner, or have 5 or more years’ experience in an Operating Theatre environment.
Honorary Membership
Shall be nominated by the Chapter Boards according to set criteria, and approved by the Executive Board. Honorary members who are active in the activities of their Chapter and/or the Association will have the right to vote when voting is required.
Associate Membership
An associate membership is any health professional working in fields related to peri-operative care while adhering to the same objectives. Such a person shall apply in writing and acceptance shall be decided upon by the Executive Board. Such a person will have no voting rights.
The benefits of becoming an APPSA member include:
- Free automatic subscription to the highly educative quarterly APPSA Journal
- Reduced registration fees for the APPSA Congress, held annually
- Reduced rates for the regularly updated APPSA Guidelines dealing with various fields of peri-operative care
- The opportunity to increase your knowledge
- The opportunity to network with colleagues in the peri-operative field, at a local and national level
- The opportunity to attend local branch meetings and study days
- The opportunity to apply for funding or scholarships for continued education in peri-operative care
- The opportunity to apply for sponsorship to relevant national and international congresses
- Social networking opportunities including sports days, fun days and competitions
- Access to an extensive library and internet facilities
- Being part of a recognised organisation able to voice its opinion on issues of national, regional and local importance
Fees & Subscriptions
- Each ordinary and associate member shall pay an annual membership fee determined by the Executive Board, such fee being payable before the 28th of February each year
- Subscriptions shall be paid directly into the account of the Association or to an appointed officer of the Association (such as a Chapter’s Treasurer)
- The annual subscription shall become due on or before 01 March of each year, where after membership shall lapse
- The Executive Board may, in any case, wholly or partly remit or waive the payment on any subscription and – subject to any conditions – as it may think fit, according to specific criteria as documented by the Executive Board
- Honorary members are exempt from paying membership fees
- Each ordinary member whose subscription is fully paid-up shall be entitled to one vote on any resolution proposed at any annual General Meeting
- Each honorary member who is active in the Association shall be entitled to one vote on any resolution proposed at any annual General Meeting
- Voting shall be done by secret ballot or a method as decided by the members of the Association
- The President/Director shall have a final casting vote in the case of a tie
- All ballot documents shall be kept for 6 months
- Associate members shall have no voting rights
The Executive Board may by resolution, communicate with a member in writing and state explicitly the grounds for which it proposes to call upon that member to resign from the Association. If the member does not so resign within 48 days after being so called upon, the Executive Board may, by resolution, terminate the membership.
Before making any resolution to terminate any membership, the Executive Board shall give to the member concerned an opportunity to make representation to the Executive Board either verbally or in writing, as the Executive Board may determine.
Gold Medal Award
Is awarded to the person who has demonstrated an unfailing sense of duty, exceptional leadership qualities and made a valuable contribution to the development of peri-operative care.
The Gold Medal Award was instituted during the First National Congress of APPSA in 1981 to honour the work done by peri-operative practitioners throughout South Africa.
This medal is a very prestigious award and should be awarded to a person in recognition of their outstanding work for APPSA and the profession.
Honorary Life Membership Award
Is awarded by the APPSA Executive Board
- Recognises special individuals, without whose tremendous commitment, APPSA would not have grown to become such a dedicated and dynamic organisation
- The award further acknowledges the deep appreciation for long and dedicated service to the peri-operative profession
2018 Recipients:
Gold Medal Award
Is awarded to the person who has demonstrated an unfailing sense of duty, exceptional leadership qualities and made a valuable contribution to the development of peri-operative care.
The Gold Medal Award was instituted during the First National Congress of APPSA in 1981 to honour the work done by peri-operative practitioners throughout South Africa.
This medal is a very prestigious award and should be awarded to a person in recognition of their outstanding work for APPSA and the profession.
Elize Michau Trophy
Awarded to the chapter that has shown the most membership growth in the last year.
Geoff Bacon Award
Swan Morton of Sheffield England initiated the Geoff Bacon award in memory of Geoff Bacon of Medequip. The competition is exclusively open to students registered for the course leading to a Diploma in Medical and Surgical Nursing Science specialising in Peri-Operative Care.
The Award is given to a student or group of students for a research project into peri-operative care during their training period.
The prize includes a trophy and a cheque to the value of RXXXX.
Villie Pieterse Award – Best Student
This award has been instituted by the APPSA Gauteng chapter.
Villie Pieterse, a long-time member of this organisation, who showed passion and commitment in her long career, to the discipline of peri-operative care. She served the organisation as Board member, Chapter President, Executive Board President, APPSA representative to the International Federation of Peri-operative Care and most recently as Honorary Life President. She has also been the recipient of the APPSA Gold Medal.
The award will:
- Be awarded by the APPSA Gauteng Chapter
- Be a floating trophy
- Only be awarded to a member of the Gauteng Chapter
- Go to a student, either doing the diploma in operating room science, or a post graduate degree in the discipline of peri-operative care
- Be decided upon by the Board of the Gauteng Chapter
The recipient must:
- Be a paid-up member of APPSA and the Gauteng Chapter
- Hold APPSA membership for at least 2 years
- Be registered with the SANC
- Have shown dedication, growth and commitment to Peri-operative care
- Be able to teach others
- Render service in the Peri-operative setting
- Act as a mentor to junior staff
- Promote membership to APPSA and display a love for peri-operative care
- Have completed their training successfully
- Be nominated/recommended by their peers and seniors
- The decision of the Gauteng Chapter board will be final
Fleur De Luikie Trophy
Is awarded for nursing excellence and is only awarded to a peri-operative practitioner working in the Free State.
The award goes to a peri-operative practitioner who has been working in this field for a period of 2 – 5 years and who has made significant progress:
- Implements professional and ethical rules of conduct in contact with others on a continual basis
- Displays a balanced and critical approach towards the application of peri-operative principles
- Sets a positive example in their daily conduct both inside and outside their profession
- Maintains a neat and polished appearance
- Uses power discretely and with compassion
- Shows above average progress in their profession with a specific dedication to the peri-operative field
- Participates enthusiastically in operating activities
- Applies their own unique leadership style according to the nature of the situation
- Maintains sound personal relationships with superiors and subordinates
- Renders quality patient care
- Reveals leadership qualities
The following characteristics are evaluated\judged:
- Decision making
- Perseverance
- Professional competence
- Quality of patient care
- Personal interest
- Self-esteem
Joyce McQuire Trophy
This is presented to a peri-operative practitioner who has shown exceptional leadership qualities and a desire and willingness to share their knowledge with others.
The recipient of this award must also be someone with a clear vision of their intended career path.
In addition, the recipient must also have the ability and desire to motivate others to share and buy into this vision.
The candidate:
- Should show exceptional leadership qualities
- Should be prepared to share their knowledge with others
- Should still be working in the field
- Should be a true leader – somebody who gives a clear vision to their followers on where they are going and motivates them to share this vision
National APPSA President/Gauteng/Mpumalanga Chapter
President: Marilyn de Meyer
Telephone: 083 267 1572
E-mail: marilyn.demeyer@lifehealthcare.co.za
Eastern Cape Chapter
President: Dipuo Luphindo
Telephone: 082 575 7976
E-mail: dluphindo380@gmail.com
Eastern Cape Sub-Group
President: Janine Prince
Telephone: 084 532 5022
E-mail: janine.prince@lifehealthcare.co.za
Pretoria/Limpopo/North West Chapter
President: Frieda du Toit
Telephone: 082 893 9421
E-mail: frieda.dutoit@intercare.co.za
Western Cape Chapter
President: Erna Roos
Telephone: 082 492 4795
E-mail: erna.roos@mediclinic.co.za
Free State/Northern Cape Chapter
President: Gretha Botha
Telephone: 082 413 2275
Email: gretha.botha@mediclinic.co.za
KwaZulu Natal Chapter
President: Shameen Rohit
Telephone: 082 040 0565
E-mail: sharmeenrohit@yahoo.com
Head Office
Treasurer and Congress Organiser: Marianne Oosthuizen
Telephone: 083 229 0456
E-mail: kongres@internext.co.za
Website: www.theatrenurse.co.za
Office hours:
Monday – Thursday 08:30 – 16:00
Editor and Design
Editor and Business Manager: Madeleine Hicklin
Telephone: 082 744 5155
E-mail: carma@gonet.co.za
Carma Design: Carole Hicklin
Telephone: 072 825 3124
E-mail: carma@gonet.co.za